What is that feeling when it seems like you have experienced something that is happening right now? It’s called déjà vu!
The déjà vu feeling aptly explains the current Accelerex brand campaign that has taken over the social waves. The campaign video idea underscores the important everyday role Accelerex plays in our lives, by being that payment solution provider that cuts across touchpoints, even when we don’t fully realize it. This campaign brings to our attention how much Accelerex has been in the picture, supporting businesses and consumers since 2013.
The trending Accelerex campaign births that exhaling awareness that the brand has been facilitating everyday payment for consumers and business for a decade. The lead campaign theme, which is “We’ve met before. You just didn’t know it”, drives home the Déjà vu thrust of the message and this is now the talk of the town! People have been seen and heard talking about their own déjà vu moments. That’s the power of compelling and impactful brand campaigns like this one. Let me join the train by relating my own déjà vu moments.

A couple of days ago, during my usual after-work social media chill, I stumbled on a video I’d love to tell you about. I saw the popular award-winning actress, Bimbo Ademoye and that caught my interest because I follow her and her comedy skits on Instagram.
In the first scene, Bimbo steps out in a beautiful red dress and pops a question about meeting someone you feel you’ve met before but didn’t know it. Just then, another version of Bimbo (let’s call her Bimbo 2) appears, this time wearing a white T-shirt and answers, “It’s called déjà vu”. And while Bimbo 1 was still trying to remember where they met before, Bimbo 2 nods in agreement and confirms, “We’ve met before, you didn’t just know it”.
A flash popped up, showing Bimbo 1 buying groceries at a supermarket and paying with her card. Then another scene where she needed cash at the market and went to a “POS Shop” (as bank agents are popularly called in the neighborhood) to withdraw money and finally, when she successfully paid some bills online through her phone. Bimbo 1, out of curiosity, asked what her name was and Bimbo 2 revealed “Accelerex”, the one powering all her payments experiences.I was wowed! I sat back and thought about my previous payment scenarios and my déjà vu moments came rushing back to me. And I thought – this is exactly what we encounter every day.
I have a day job and also run an online store by the side because ends have to definitely meet. I recall running out of cash while I went to restock my best seller, the crocs footwear trending among the young these days. I purchased more than I planned and needed to pay more than I anticipated. I offered to make a transfer but the network at the market was frustrating my efforts. Then I sighted a bank agent’s outlet about 100 meters from the store. I went over, withdrew cash, made payment to the vendor and headed home. I never for once paused to think of the companies behind the infrastructure making this happen.
Another occasion that came to my mind was when I visited my niece in school and she insisted I take her to the tuck shop near her hostel. I usually move cashless because scarce resources cannot be expended without caution. So, I came up with my famous excuse of ‘I don’t have cash with me’ but she beat me to it by saying they accept card payments there too. I decided to give her a treat as she was already in her penultimate year in high school at such a tender age. She was very happy and I felt like a proud big brother.

Back to the Accelerex video I watched. The video was a gentle reminder that Accelerex has always been there all the way, helping me achieve my payment needs. They have been powering just about every electronic payment since their inception. I have definitely met Accelerex before, I just didn’t know it. I know most of you have met them too. What’s your déjà vu moment?